Celebrate EVERYTHING...

this saying has become one of my favorite and this rendering of it speaks volumes as to why I appreciate it so much.

Even on the gray days

Even with the scarcest of resources

Even when the fence is barely serviceable

Even then - celebrate

ESPECIALLY then - celebrate

Celebrating is not always about jumping up & down, shouting for joy.

Celebrating is about acknowledging, noticing, commending, being in community with others.

Celebrating EVERYTHING, to me, means acknowledging how much I had to overcome to get out of bed when I'm in deep mourning.

Celebrating EVERYTHING, to me, means communing with Beloveds at the grave site.

Celebrating EVERYTHING, to me, means being present with a cat who just wants to invite me to take a break.

Yes, there is celebration at birthdays and rites of passage and crossing the finish line... And Celebrate EVERYTHING - without bypassing all the things, the feels.

When we bypass the feels - the feels get stuck, unacknowledged, unloved.... and they risk becoming boulders in the path to whatever it is we seek: health, a relationship, wealth, fulfillment, etc.

Today, and each day, I invite you to celebrate - EVERYTHING!

Ceci Baker